- If your doctor has prescribed medication for your pain, do not forget to use it.
- If the placed temporary fillings fall, do not neglect to be examined by your doctor.
- The healing process may vary from person to person.
- It is normal and normal to have mild pain after the application.
- If the teeth that are in the healing period are filled, avoid eating foods that will cause hard damage in
- order to increase the healing speed on those sides.
- Be careful not to eat anything for 2 hours after the treatment.
- Be careful not to damage your tongue and lips that are under anesthesia after canal treatment.
Why Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment may be required during prosthetic restoration of implied teeth.
20-year-old tooth extraction or removal of large cysts in the jawbone to adjacent teeth,
Determination of the loss of vitality of the pulp,
Pulp damage after advanced gingival diseases or gingival operations,
Damage of the dental pulp as a result of dysfunctional movements such as chewing habits or
grinding teeth,
Crown / root fractures in teeth caused by impact,
The patient's complaints do not go away after filling or crowning the teeth,
Deep bruises, previous blanks or recurrent bruises under crown prostheses (coatings),
Things to Know About Root Canal Treatment
In a canal treated tooth, there is no pain in the tooth against stimuli such as cold-hot after
treatment. However, it is normal to feel slight pain in the first few days following treatment,
especially when the tooth is pressed on, such as chewing.
It is essential that the root canal treatment in a live tooth is completed in a single session. However,
when the tooth loses its vitality, there is infection at the root tip and the root canal treatment is
repeated; The number of sessions may be two or more.
In cases where the patient does not have a general health problem, the patient does not need to use
antibiotics before canal treatment is performed. However, antibiotics may be required before
treatment if the patient has a known heart condition, diabetes or immunosuppressive drug use.
Canal therapy does not cause pain; on the contrary, it is applied for pain relief. The related teeth and
surrounding tissues are anesthetized with local anesthesia. During treatment, the patient does not
feel pain. However, in some cases, the patient may experience minor discomfort.
What are the stages of canal treatment?
During this procedure, which takes an average of 1 hour, at least 2 radiographs are taken from the
tooth. In cases where the tooth loses its vitality, an antiseptic substance should be applied to the
root canals following the shaping and cleaning of the tooth during root canal treatment.
- Root canals are sealed.
- The root canal cavity is cleaned and disinfected,
- Root canal cavity is reshaped,
- Working length of root canal is determined,
- Endodontic cavity is prepared for access to root canals,
- Tooth is isolated from surrounding tissues
- Tooth and surrounding tissues are anesthetized by regional anesthesia,
What are the Complaints That Require Canal Treatment?
• Fistula or tooth discoloration caused by tooth infection.
• Swelling around the tooth, gingiva and / or related lymph nodes,
• Long-term pain triggered by an external agent such as cold, hot or tooth contact,
• Increased pain at night and not even with painkillers,
• Spontaneous pain in the tooth,
However, teeth that have lost their vitality may not cause any complaints. This should not be
perceived as the lack of need for root canal treatment.if we loking for treatment visit dental clinic in pratap nagar sq