Showing posts with label emergency dental care in pratap nagar sq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emergency dental care in pratap nagar sq. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Root Canal Treatment

  • If your doctor has prescribed medication for your pain, do not forget to use it.
  • If the placed temporary fillings fall, do not neglect to be examined by your doctor.
  • The healing process may vary from person to person.
  • It is normal and normal to have mild pain after the application.
  • If the teeth that are in the healing period are filled, avoid eating foods that will cause hard damage in
  • order to increase the healing speed on those sides.
  • Be careful not to eat anything for 2 hours after the treatment.
  • Be careful not to damage your tongue and lips that are under anesthesia after canal treatment.

Why Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment may be required during prosthetic restoration of implied teeth.
20-year-old tooth extraction or removal of large cysts in the jawbone to adjacent teeth,
Determination of the loss of vitality of the pulp,
Pulp damage after advanced gingival diseases or gingival operations,
Damage of the dental pulp as a result of dysfunctional movements such as chewing habits or
grinding teeth,
Crown / root fractures in teeth caused by impact,
The patient's complaints do not go away after filling or crowning the teeth,
Deep bruises, previous blanks or recurrent bruises under crown prostheses (coatings),

Things to Know About Root Canal Treatment

 In a canal treated tooth, there is no pain in the tooth against stimuli such as cold-hot after
treatment. However, it is normal to feel slight pain in the first few days following treatment,
especially when the tooth is pressed on, such as chewing.

It is essential that the root canal treatment in a live tooth is completed in a single session. However,
when the tooth loses its vitality, there is infection at the root tip and the root canal treatment is
repeated; The number of sessions may be two or more.

In cases where the patient does not have a general health problem, the patient does not need to use
antibiotics before canal treatment is performed. However, antibiotics may be required before
treatment if the patient has a known heart condition, diabetes or immunosuppressive drug use.

Canal therapy does not cause pain; on the contrary, it is applied for pain relief. The related teeth and
surrounding tissues are anesthetized with local anesthesia. During treatment, the patient does not
feel pain. However, in some cases, the patient may experience minor discomfort.

What are the stages of canal treatment?

During this procedure, which takes an average of 1 hour, at least 2 radiographs are taken from the
tooth. In cases where the tooth loses its vitality, an antiseptic substance should be applied to the
root canals following the shaping and cleaning of the tooth during root canal treatment.

  • Root canals are sealed.
  • The root canal cavity is cleaned and disinfected,
  • Root canal cavity is reshaped,
  • Working length of root canal is determined,
  • Endodontic cavity is prepared for access to root canals,
  • Tooth is isolated from surrounding tissues
  • Tooth and surrounding tissues are anesthetized by regional anesthesia,

What are the Complaints That Require Canal Treatment?

• Fistula or tooth discoloration caused by tooth infection.
• Swelling around the tooth, gingiva and / or related lymph nodes,
• Long-term pain triggered by an external agent such as cold, hot or tooth contact,
• Increased pain at night and not even with painkillers,
• Spontaneous pain in the tooth,

However, teeth that have lost their vitality may not cause any complaints. This should not be
perceived as the lack of need for root canal treatment.if we loking for treatment visit dental clinic in pratap nagar sq

Can orthodontic treatment improve teeth again?

Orthodontics; It is a treatment technique utilized for amending the misalignment and disparities in
the teeth and the current position issue. The probability of teeth decay relies upon the state of the
teeth toward the start of the treatment procedure. For instance; When the discrete teeth are
treated with orthodontics, there is a high probability of re-partition of the teeth after treatment. In
cases, for example, cross-conclusion in the foremost region, the probability of repeat is considerably
less. Subsequently; pretty much likelihood of decay of teeth; without a doubt there is such a

After orthodontic treatment, teeth deterioration should be prevented. The treatment that prevents
the teeth from restoring and keeps the teeth stable is called treatment.

Orthodontic treatment is two stages. The first of these; it is a functioning treatment that migrates
the teeth, while the last is an active treatment; is a passive treatment that keeps up and settles the
new position of the teeth after treatment. Passive treatment is applied to reinforce the principle
treatment. It isn;t directly for individuals with props evacuated to feel that orthodontic treatment is
totally finished; in light of the fact that solitary dynamic medicines are finished.

Patients with braces removed; they should be checked every 2 months for 1 year and every 6
months thereafter. Thus, by following the teeth during the passive treatment period, in case of a
possible deterioration, correction can be made without re-wire treatment.

Your doctor will decide on the type of reinforcement therapy that is applied after orthodontic
treatment. In ancient times; the method of treatment with a palate called the hawley plate is no
longer used because the plaque is very difficult to use and cannot fix the teeth completely.
The various methods currently used for reinforcement therapy are as follows;
Lingual retainer

Transparent plaque
1. Lingual retainer: Thin wires applied to the tongue-facing region of the 6 incisors in front and never
visible from the outside. The lingual retainer should not be removed for at least 5 years. Because this
method will not disturb your oral hygiene and prevent the deterioration of your teeth.
2. Transparent plate: Transparent plates are connections that can be embedded and expelled. The
cons of the transparent plate;

When utilized alone, you have to go through quite a long while with an appliance, as it must be for
all time joined and expelled. At the point when the individual is lazy to expel and embed, there are
no measures to secure the teeth and counteract their crumbling.
In this way, after applying lingual retainer to the upper and lower jaws; transparent plaque is readied
and precautionary measures are taken for times when the plaque isn't utilized. Since the lingual
retainer applied to the jaws avoids the crumbling of your teeth regardless of whether you don't
utilize a straightforward plaque.

if we looking for dental treatment visit us dentist in pratap nagar sq


Grinding a tooth may be easier than you might think.
This can happen when chewing hard objects or foods like ice, nuts or hard candies. Accidents can cause a cracked tooth, especially those involving a blow to the mouth.
Gritting or clenching teeth or having uneven chewing pressure can lead to a cracked tooth. The tooth structure wears out over time and large restorations or other forms of reconstruction may result in cracking or cracking. Finally, you can grind a tooth by exposing the tooth enamel to heat shock, as it does when eating hot foods and then drinking cold water.
The result of any of these events is usually painful and can lead to other oral diseases.
The dentist in pratap nagar sq provides some valuable guidance on how to know if you have this problem, why it hurts, and how to treat it.

First, how do you know if your tooth is cracked? Look for these signs:

  • You have acute biting pain that disappears quickly.
  • You have pain that comes and goes but doesn't stay all the time.
  • You have pain while eating or drinking.
  • You may have no pain at all.

Cracks are sometimes invisible to the eye and do not always appear on dental x-rays. By looking at a few things, you can help your dentist identify the problem:
Write down things that cause pain, such as heat or cold, or eat foods that are sweet, sour or sticky.
Try to determine the area of ??pain.
Why do clenched teeth hurt? The pressure when biting causes the tooth's fissure to open, which causes pain. Although it is too small to be seen, the fissure can open and irritate the pulp inside the tooth. Pulp is a soft tissue that contains the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth. If the fissure irritates the pulp, the tooth may become sensitive to extreme heat or cold. The pulp may also be injured or become ill as a result of cracking. If this occurs, endodontic treatment (root canal) may be required to save the tooth.
Treating a cracked tooth depends on the size and location of the cleft and the symptoms you are experiencing. Your dentist will discuss which treatment is the best. Your dentist may not recommend any treatment, as small cracks are common and usually do not cause problems. If you are experiencing localized pain, avoid chewing on this side of your mouth and see your dentist.

If your emergency dental care in pratap nagar sq recommends treatment, this may include:

  • Repair the tooth with restorative material.
  • Put on a crown to protect the tooth from further damage.
  • Endodontic treatment (root canal) if the pulp is involved.
  • Extraction of the tooth if it is severely cracked and cannot be saved.

Perhaps most importantly, schedule regular appointments, which allow your dentist to diagnose and treat problems at an early stage. A cracked tooth can become a bigger problem if left untreated. If you think you may have a cracked tooth, visit your emergency dental care in pratap nagar sq.


You just had to take a sip of hot or cold drink to feel that boring little pain. It even seems that your tooth got a shock when it came in contact with the liquid. If this happens often, stay tuned! Because this is one of the most well-known symptoms of tooth sensitivity - a very common problem among people that can affect their smile in many ways, including poor brushing. To better understand this oral complication, how to treat and prevent it, Sorrisologia has put together a summary for you!

1. What is tooth sensitivity?

Also known as dentin hypersensitivity, sensitivity is that pain we feel in our teeth when it comes in contact with some hot, cold, sweet or acidic food and drink. The problem arises when its first dental layer, the enamel, is worn out and contacts the nerve endings, reaching the pulp.

2. How do I know if I have sensitive teeth?

The symptoms are very evident and you can feel the sensitivity by having an ice cream cone or that cup of coffee in the morning:
- Pain ingesting something hot or cold;
- Your tooth hurts when it comes in contact with the cold wind;
- A bit of a nuisance when you eat something sweet, like a chocolate;
"That hook when it comes in contact with acidity, like an orange juice."

3. What may be tooth sensitivity? Know the causes!

Forced and excessive brushing: back and forth movements with a lot of pressure on the tooth surface may cause enamel erosion and sensitivity;
Poor oral hygiene: can cause white spots or cavitations on the enamel surface due to plaque buildup;
Very acidic diet: Ingestion of large amounts of sugar-rich isotonic or soda can cause corrosion of the enamel prism layer due to a sudden drop in oral pH;
Dental fractures or broken restorations: They can damage the enamel sealing of the dentin, exposing it and thus causing painful discomfort.

4. 7 Foods May Cause Teeth Sensitivity

- Sweets in general;
- acid fruits and juices;
- Soda;
- Ketchup;
- vinegar;
- Very cold drinks and foods, such as ice cream and milkshake;
- Very hot foods and drinks, such as soup and coffee.

5. Who has sensitivity can put orthodontic appliance?

Orthodontist Andreia Cotrim explains that nothing prevents patients with sensitive teeth from putting on braces and also points out: "In some cases the cause of this sensitivity is determined by the malocclusion installed, which causes a gingival recession with consequent tooth sensitivity." So if you have tooth sensitivity and are afraid of orthodontic treatment, you can rest easy and look for a specialist to adjust your smile.

6. Tooth whitening can make teeth sensitive

Yes you can. According to dental clinic in paschim vihar the sensitivity after a tooth whitening develops due to the action of the whitening gel: "This product has the function of dehydrating the tooth and penetrating the dentinal tubules, causing thermal sensitivity," he explained.
But calm down! This does not mean that all whitening makes your teeth sensitive. According to emergency dental care in pratap nagar sq, many specialists already use bleaches with lower concentrations and indicate toothpastes developed to prevent or end sensitivity. This will give you a white smile without worrying about this nuisance.

7. Brushing your teeth can cause tooth sensitivity.

Do you know how to brush your teeth correctly? A lot of people answer this question with a yes, but end up using a lot of pressure and force during the hygiene ritual, which is wrong! Sudden movements can reflect on tooth sensitivity, you know? dentist in pratap nagar sq explains how this happens: “When brushing is done very hard or using harder bristles, the enamel (protective layer) ends up being worn, leaving the dentin exposed and causing the pain of sensitivity,” he says.

8. How to prevent sensitivity?

Sensitivity can be avoided yes! Just go to your dentist regularly (every six months) to check up on your smile, have a healthier diet rich in detergent foods, avoiding acidic and sweet ingredients to preserve enamel. In addition, brushing should always be done smoothly with a soft and flexible bristle brush.

9. What to do when teeth are very sensitive?

One of the treatments that helps decrease tooth sensitivity is the use of toothpaste specific to this problem. After an evaluation with the dentist, the best toothpaste will be indicated to ensure a good result in falling sensitivity levels. In addition, fluoride application in the dental office, local laser application and fluoride varnish may also be indicated.

Knowledge teeth impaction: Your inquiries replied

One issue that numerous youthful grown-ups need to manage is the emission of their knowledge teeth. For some, this soul changing experience causes little issue other than brief distress, be that as it may, tragically, at times shrewdness teeth impaction can cause issues.
Scratch Ross, a Lead Dentist at dentist in pratap nagar sq, examines a portion of the inquiries we frequently get about knowledge teeth beneath.

Intelligence Teeth – What Are They?

Intelligence teeth, otherwise called the 'third molar', are the last teeth to rise. Molar teeth return through at the of the mouth and the third molars as a rule rise at the back of the mouth, between the ages of 17 and 25. While not every person gets shrewdness teeth, we can get up to two on top and up to two on the base.

Prior to current dentistry, knowledge teeth were basic. Our predecessors utilized shrewdness teeth to granulate down on bone and bite very intense nourishment. There was likewise an absence of dental cleanliness prompting broad tooth misfortune, so when they appeared, there was a lot of space for them.

These days, we don't generally have a requirement for knowledge teeth because of the other two molars and in light of cutting edge dental innovation and great dental cleanliness, which causes us keep our teeth for the duration of our lives.

Astuteness Teeth Can Be Problematic – Why? 

Since our mouths normally don't have space for astuteness teeth, 60-70% of the time they become 'affected'. This happens when there's insufficient space for them or when they develop in at a clumsy point.

Insight Teeth Impaction – In What Ways Can They Be Impacted?

Insight teeth can be affected in six unique ways. Your dental specialist may allude to these utilizing the accompanying terms:
Mesial impaction: This is the most widely recognized kind of impaction and implies that the insight tooth is calculated forward, towards the front of the mouth.
Vertical impaction: This kind of impaction implies that the insight tooth is coming in moderately straight, yet can't develop completely through the gum line, because of an absence of room in the mouth.
Level impaction: This is the least normal sort of impaction and implies that the shrewdness tooth is coming in calculated at 90 degrees sideways, pushing onto the subsequent molar.
Distal impaction: These are the point at which the intelligence tooth is calculated in reverse, towards the back of the mouth.
Delicate tissue impaction: This happens when the intelligence tooth has developed through the jaw bone, yet has neglected to get through the gum line totally.
(Hard tissue) impaction: This happens when the tooth can get through the gum line, however is obstructed by the overlying bone.

Affected Wisdom Teeth – What Are The Symptoms? 

Indications can change between people. Sometimes, affected shrewdness teeth cause no torment and present no issues by any stretch of the imagination.
In risky cases, affected insight teeth can cause toothache or disease. The accompanying side effects can likewise happen:

  • Swollen, delicate and draining gums. 
  • Jaw expanding and torment. 
  • Swollen organs in shoulder and neck. 
  • Trouble in opening mouth. 
  • Migraines. 
  • Foul breath. 
  • Horrendous taste when eating. 
  • In the event that these manifestations are overlooked, this can prompt: 
  • Gum sickness or contaminations. 
  • Pimples and tumors 
  • Harm to and realignment of nearby teeth 
  • Tooth rot 

Affected Wisdom Teeth – Why Is It Important To Get Dental Advice? 

In the event that you accept your astuteness teeth might be coming through or causing issues, it is imperative to get this checked by your dental specialist (either by going to your customary dental examination or booking an arrangement whenever concerned). They will take a x-beam of your mouth to affirm the situation of your astuteness teeth and to recognize whether they are affected. They will at that point have the option to suggest any medications that might be proper.

Affected Wisdom Teeth – What Treatments Are Available To Help? 

On the off chance that your affected knowledge teeth are not causing you any agony or issues, there might be no requirement for dental medicines. This is on the grounds that expelling them has little advantage except if they are causing entanglements. In any case, your dental specialist will keep on observing your astuteness teeth to guarantee your mouth stays solid.
For in part developed intelligence teeth (delicate tissue impaction), your dental specialist may prescribe augmentations or alterations to your oral social insurance routine to decrease danger of future issues.
On the off chance that your astuteness teeth are causing entanglements or agony, your dental specialist may suggest that they are expelled. This is a generally normal technique which can take between a couple of moments to 20 minutes, contingent upon the multifaceted nature of your case. This is frequently performed under nearby soporific (which numbs the region of your mouth being dealt with), yet a few dental specialists can offer sedation to help diminish dental nervousness.

In the event that you have not had a dental visit as of late, you probably won't know that you have an insight tooth impaction. Side effects aren't constantly present (particularly in the beginning periods) and up to 60-70% of shrewdness teeth are affected, so it is imperative to get yourself looked at.

Our dental specialists at dentist in pratap nagar sqare profoundly capable with oral medical procedure and can offer dental sedation to assist patients with dental fear or a dread of medical procedure. 

On the off chance that you are worried about your shrewdness teeth, reach us to discover what we can accomplish for you.